Past event | March 5, 2019
Intro to Live Sound

We are now offering a workshop for women, who would like to know about live sound. Perhaps you have always dreamt about becoming a sound engineer. Perhaps you are a volunteer at a venue, and would like to dig more into the technology behind a gig – or maybe you are a productionmanager/musician, who would just like to know why your soundguy is always so grumpy….
We will go through signalpath in a soundsystem, how to set up a mix on the board, the needs of a soundcheck, the workflow of a sound tech etc.
There will be 2 workshops with the same themes – one early and one in the afternoon.
First one will be at 10 am – 2 pm
Second one at 2 pm – 6 pm
Please email us at and tell us which workshop you would like to attend.
No age limit minors and seniors are welcome too!
Limit space, so be quick!
Please note: If you have signed up, but can’t make it – please inform us immediately, as we will have a waiting list!
The workshop is free of charge. But it would probably be highly appreciated, if you bring a bit of snack, cake etc.
All the best
WILM & Forbrændingen