Legal Notice
A non-profit organisation
VAT DK-39146193
Registered in Denmark, January 2018

§ 1. Name and Headquarters

1. Association’s name is Women in Live Music – abbreviation WILM.
2. Association’s Headquarters is Copenhagen municipality.

§ 2. Purpose

1. Association’s purpose is to create a network for women in live music throughout Europe and help create a framework for women to continue and to an even greater extent be part of this industry.

§ 3. Membership

1. Anyone who wants and wishes to support the Association’s purpose is included as a member.
2. Membership is only valid when the member has paid a subscription. Registration is via the Association’s website.
Stk. 3. If the membership fee is not renewed at the end of the agreed term, the member is automatically unsubscribed from the membership.
4. Members pay a fee set by the General Meeting. The fee will be charged a year in advance one year at a time.
5. Executive Director is elected by the members.

§ 4. The General Meeting

1. The General Meeting is the highest authority of the association.
2. The Annual General Meeting is held once a year before the end of February and is convened with at least three weeks’ notice. Invitations can be send out electronically.
3. Participants and voters at the General Meeting are all members who have paid the membership fee due date, the latest on a previous working day. Proxy voting is not allowed.
4. The agenda for the Annual General Meeting shall contain at least these following items: 1.Election of vote counters 2.Election of conductor 3.Chairman’s report 4.Presentation of accounts 5.Treatment of proposals received 6.Approval of the membership fee 7.Approval of the budget 8.Election of the chairman 9.Election of Vice Chairman 10.Election of 3 Board Members 11.Election of Auditors 12.Other questions
5. Proposals to be considered at the General Meeting must reach the Board not later than 8 days before the General Meeting. Proposals for amendments to the articles of The Association, that are dealt with, must be received by the Board within three months, prior to the end of the month in which the annual general meeting is to be held.
6. Proposals that are wished to be considered at the general meeting must reach the members no later than 3 working days before the General Meeting. These can be sent electronically.
7. The General Meeting is led by a conductor who may not be a member of the board.
8. The General Meeting makes its decisions by simple majority (one over half of the valid votes cast) and by handshake. Written voting is however used when requested even by only one of the meeting participants. When there are more proposals than the number to be chosen a written vote is always made. Each member can make a maximum of votes, corresponding to the number of people to be chosen.

§ 5. Extraordinary General Meeting

1. Extraordinary General Meetings may be held when the Board considers it necessary and shall be held when at least one third of the members make a written reasoned request to the Chairman. In such cases, the general meeting shall be held no later than four weeks after the request has come to the Chairman’s knowledge.
2. The notice period for an Extraordinary General Meeting is 2 weeks.

§ 6. Association’s daily management

1. The Association’s day-to-day management consists of the Board, which consists of the Cashier and the three members. The Board of Directors is elected by the General Meeting for a 2-year period, so that five members are elected each year.
2. The Board of Directors manages the Association in accordance with these Articles of Association and the resolutions of the General Meeting.
3. Within 14 days of the new election to the Board of Directors, a constituent meeting shall be held, in which the Board of Directors, among its members, elect the treasurer and secretary. All trust items are valid until the next General Meeting.
4. The Board of Directors furthermore sets its own rules of procedure. It may set up subcommittees and working groups to carry out defined tasks.
5. The Chairman convenes and chairs the meetings of the Board. Notice shall be convened in writing with the agenda as soon as the chairman deems it necessary, or at least two members of the board make a request to the chairman. In such cases, the meeting shall be held no later than 2 weeks after the request has come to the Chairman’s knowledge.
6. The Association must ensure copyright for intro workshops and summer camps.

§ 7. Economics, accounting and auditing

1. The financial year of the Association follows the calendar year.
2. The Board is accountable to the General Meeting for budget and accounts.
3. The Association’s accounts are kept by the cashier who also leads the Association’s membership register.
4. The accounts are audited by the auditors elected at the General Meeting.

§ 8. Power binding rules and liability

1. The external matters of the Association shall be signed by the Chairman and at least one additional member of the Board of Directors. Upon the admission of loans and sale / pledging of real estate, the Association of the entire Board of Directors is drawn up.
2. The Cashier is responsible for the financial conditions of the Association, including cash collection and payment of bills. The Cashier can dispose or advice of the Association’s accounts, including payment cards and online bank accounts for the Association’s accounts .
3. The members of the Association are not liable for any personal liability for the obligations of the Association.

§ 9. Amendments of the articles

1. These Articles of Association can only be amended by a 2/3 majority at a General Meeting, where the amendment is included in the agenda.
Stk. 2. The Articles of Association amendments come into force with effect from the General Meeting in which they are voted for and accepted.

§ 10. Resolution

1. Resolution of the Association can only take place by a 2/3 majority at two consecutive General Meetings, one of which must be ordinary.
Stk. 2. In case of resolution, the Association’s assets shall be used in accordance with the objectives set out in section §2 or for other non-profit purposes. Decisions on the actual use of the assets are taken by the resolving General Meeting.

§ 11.

Date at which the Articles of the Association were adopted by the foundation’s Founding General Meeting and last amended at the ordinary / extraordinary General Meeting on January 2018.

Copyright by Women In Live January 2018