Tessa Jacobs
Stage Manager
I am a Dutch rey of sunshine that does not only go above and beyond for every single artist and crew member, but also knows what someone needs need before they even realize they need it. I just simply thrive when working at live music events, no matter where I am needed. If I am doing backstage management and the toilets need to be cleaned, I will clean them. Are there no cooled drinks because the refridgerator died, I will run to the nearest store to buy it. Nothing is too much for me.
After graduating from International Event Management in the middle of the pandemic, it took me a little while to remember how much energy I get from working at live music events. The moment I remembered how it is impossible for me to not smile while working in this industry, I started as a freelancer for stage management, backstage management, artist handling and tour management and boy oh boy, I am so insanely grateful for knowing what it is like to be so passionate about a job. Can you imagine there are people out there who never experienced that?