WILM Newsletter Number EIGHTEEN


# 18
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Welcome to the 18th Newsletter!

Festivals are back! And dang are we all glad to be working again. With the abundance of work however it is important that we take care of ourselves and don’t burn out too quickly.
If you are struggling with stress or burn-out, you can always reach out to our
Facebook Group for support 💙
We are as always super grateful to our members for sending us a postcard letting us know what they are up to!
Postcard from Anna ‘The Driver” Ward (March 2022) 💌
“I’m Anna, and I’m a driver working in the Music and Entertainment (Live/Road based) sectors. I’m 20+ years in the Industry. I work for JARV-IS as their Band Splitter Driver (which is Jarvis Cocker’s band, post-Pulp), and I also drive Trucks & Buses for various other clients when JARV-IS are off the road. I got my full bus licence 25 years ago when there were hardly any women working on this side of our industry, and I got my class 2 HGV Licence 5 years ago. There’s a lot more women working at this end of the Industry now, but not enough!
Luckily I’m able to combine my passion for Live Music with my job.
Currently I am driving an 18 Tonne HGV Truck for The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, transporting their instruments and equipment around London and the UK.”

Here’s a recap of WILM activities since you last heard from us:

Celebrating Women In Audio Workshop, London – March


Tutors and participants at the Rose Shure Experience Centre


Stasia ‘troubleshooting’ at one of the three workstations

Once again Shure UK invited WILM and our members to the event ‘Celebrating Women In Audio’ in March.
The day consisted of an audio workshop for veterans and newcomers alike in association with Shure and Allen&Heath. Audiologic was represented by Application Support Engineer, Anna Shahin, who gave a lecture on how to speak Dante. The day was divided into theoretical and practical sections with three different workstations.
In the evening Shure hosted a wonderful buffet along with a discussion on the topic ‘How to build a family friendly Music industry’ with WILM’s CEO Malle Kaas as one of the panel guests. It was an inspiring debate with a very alive audience that contributed with many good and inspiring comments.

The Shure panel: Peter James (VP Global Sales, Shure), Bryony October (FOH, Katie Melua), Malle Kaas (CEO, WILM), Sarah Joyce (CGO, AVIXA) & moderator Rob Smith (Sr.director System Sales, Shure)

WILMAwards Ceremony, London – March


WILMAward winners Ger Fitzsimmons, Stagemanager (IRL/UK) & Emma Nolan, Stage Tech (IRL)

Unfortunately we were not able to host our annual WILMAward party in December last year due to the emergence of the Omicron Covid variant. But in March we could finally celebrate the 34 winners of WILMAward’s 2021 🎉
Traditionally the party was spiced up with the legendary Bullsh** Bingo & Crew Quiz.
It was a great party going well on into the night where the most hardy people lasted until 5am! 😊 👌
We will be doing the whole lot again on December 17th for WILMA 2022 when we are also simultaneously celebrating WILM’s 5th birthday! 🎂 
A big Thank You to Shure UK for being our main sponsor for this award and for letting us celebrate at the Rose Shure Experience Centre.
Also a big Thank You to Britannia Row for the gear and crew for the party.
And a special Thank You to Flightcases.dk for the wonderful WILMA trophies🏆
(If you were one of the winners and haven’t received your WILMAward yet, please get in contact with us by emailing [email protected])

EQ Event – London, April


Learning monitors at the Courtyard Theatre

WILM was honoured to be invited for a panel discussion as part of the ‘EQ Event’ hosted by WILM member Carys Walker at the Courtyard Theatre in London.
Carys put on an incredible event, featuring a workshop, live performances, gear demonstrations and networking all in the name of making the industry a more inclusive place to work. The event was a great success, well done Carys!

Band and EQ Crew with Carys in the middle

ISE, Barcelona – May

For years now WILM has loved to attend tech shows around Europe. It is a great place to meet up with new and old colleagues, and perhaps expand your network. It is also ‘a safe spot’ to get a chance to put hands on the gear you already know, but want to know more about. A tech trade show is indeed the place to be if you want to learn about the newest technology, or if you have questions you would like to ask to the people behind the various products. It can be handy to get to know those people, who can turn out to be your ‘best friend’ that day you are on a gig, and you need help with one of their products.
System Engineer Valerie Gard giving a ‘micro’ workshop in audio
However, what is always so sad for us…..is the lack of other women. It’s a huge issue that neither sales representatives, product specialists or even the trade show guests are very diverse. So it has been a big wish for WILM for years to be able to actively invite a more diverse crowd to these tech trade shows. Luckily for us ISE (Integrated Systems Europe) were willing to make a change and push for more diversity at their big show in Barcelona so WILM got to work planning on how we can achieve this!
We decided in the process to team up with the wonderful organisation WIL (Women In Lighting) on the most beautiful lounge generously provided by ISE, which made it possible for us to be visible as well as to participate in several networks sessions, panels discussions etc in order to raise awareness for more diversity on both visitors’ side as on the side of the many manufactures, companies and organisations represented at the ISE.

From the WILM team: Aiste Baltraityte showing off the legendary WILMAwards from our annual ceremony


Our lounge in Hall 7 that was well visited from the very first minute to the very end!


Shure’s very own – and Chair woman of AVIXA UK women’s council, Carys Green making a very interesting and inspiring talk on ‘The Power of Women’ at a WILM/WIL network session

ISE is the leading tech trade show worldwide, and is visited by more than 50.000 people from the event industry. Please come and join us in Barcelona next year Jan.31st – Feb 3th.
Tech person or not – the ISE is a great place for all people from the live event industry to meet up and network.

The WILM team at the ISE in Barcelona in May this year: Left: Valerie Gard, Giulia Artemisia, Malle Kaas. Right: Signe Elvström, Aiste Baltraityte

Thank you so much to ISE for making this initiative possible! 🙏 – And thank you to Ayrton, Allen&Heath and d&b for gear. Thanks to Shure for fun times at the joint network sessions. Thank you to AVIXA and TPi magazine for inviting us in on your panels – And not least Big Thank You to everyone who came by the WILM Diversity lounge 🙌

Getting your foot in the Tourbus Door Workshop – May

“Getting your foot in the tourbus door” was recently a great panel that was offered to newcomers (and veterans) in the industry: Please enjoy the recap of this fantastic talk between four experts about getting yourself on tour: Recap
You can also find more inspiring material Here 
A big shout out to TM Lotje Horvers for the initiative 🙌

Denmark – Soldering Workshop, June

On June 8th, The Danish music organisation Autor in association with WILM organised a workshop in soldering. The workshop was held at the audio company Kinovox and both parties enjoyed it so much that we agreed to repeat the successful workshop later in Autumn this year.
Edit this to insert text.

Upcoming Events:

During the summer months we have slowed down a bit for WILM’s activities, as we have all been out gigging, touring and visiting multiple festivals all across Europe. However, we have a couple of announcements for UK, GERMANY, DENMARK & SWEDEN!
Aug 16th – WILM Meet Up
Please check our social media for more info on time/location
Aug 30th – WILM Meet Up
Please check our social media for more info on time/location
Sep.4th – 6th
We will be represented at this year’s PLASA at Olympia, London. Come by and say hello at our stand at the Industry Associations area! When the program for PLASA is ready we will announce some of the things we got planned for you on our social media. However, you can register already now for free HERE
Sep. 29th – Oct.1st
In association with Copenhell’s “Rock Academy” we will be doing a workshop on backstage: Sound, Light, Stage Management & Backline – more info will follow, when the registration is open.
Oct. 4th – 6th LLB – The Swedish Trade Organisation for Professional Audio
We will be having a spot at LLB, which is a supplier’s association for companies selling professional use equipment for audio, lighting, video, and multimedia, as well as musical instruments. Come and say hi – we will be having a daily workshop on some of the great equipment there + some interesting panel talks.
We are also hoping to be having our very popular sound system workshop in association with our dear friends at d&b audiotechnik However, we are still discussing if it should happen in October this year or February next year – we will get back with more info on this soob.
And we have much more planned for the Autumn/Winter programm, so don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram!

Have you heard about our ‘Crewlist’?

Right now many places, companies, tours, managers etc are looking for crew-members as we have had many competent and talented colleagues leaving the industry during COVID-19. If you are missing qualified crew, please have a look at the ‘Crewlist’ at our website.
If you would like a profile on the Crewlist, please sign up here.
***It costs 20€ annually to be showcased on the Crewlist. The fee helps cover some of the costs WILM has such as maintaining the website***

That’s all for now!

Stay safe, and stay tuned and we hope we will see you very soon.

The WILM Team
(Malle, Hannah, Aiste, Tejka, Valerie & Erin)
If you have any inquiries, please email [email protected]

Women In Live Music is a non profit organisation and we highly appreciate any donations in order for us to continue our work for minorities backstage. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to make a donation.


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