Past event | February 24, 2021
WILM Radio Show #2

On Saturday you can party a little bit with Iggy Pop and The Clash, while you listen to Tana Douglas, The first female roadie, how will tell us about her new book, ‘LOUD’ and how she caved the way for us 40 years ago, while she had in mind that whatever females followed behind her would be judged by her accomplishments……
Our second interview will be with Jan Holger Schmidt, who took a peek backstage to see how the crew were doing. Together with co-writer Prof.Dr. Katja Ehrenberg, he recently released the book ‘stay Sound & Check yourself’, on mental health for crews.
WILM’s Radio Show is in association with the awesome crew radio ‘Ancroo Live’ and is being aired Feb. 27th @ 19.00 CET. (18.00 GMT)
The whole thing is moderated by the awesome Erin Lynch (Tour manager and more)