Past event | October 3, 2022

WILM’s workshop for female Audio technicians

Please come and join us for this micro-workshop in Audio at the LLB, Älvsjö Thursday, where we will be looking at integrated Shure’s wireless ULX-D system into Allen&Heaths dLive C1500!
We will talk a little bit about RF basic’s as well checking out Shure’s WirelessWorkBench6 (WWB6), incl. how to speak Dante.
If you haven’t had the chance to come across the dLive there will be plenty of chances for hands-on at the workshop, as well as before and after.
NB if you have a chance to bring your laptop you can in favor download Dante Controller and Shure’s WWB6 upfront
To visit the LLB Expo 2022 Oct.4th – 6th is free of charge
WILM has a spot that is located in the LLB Lounge area – we would love for you to come by to say Hey!