# 04 Happy 2019!

WILM has now been around for one year! And what a great year it has been!
We wanted female colleagues to hook up with each other across Europe. Which we see is happening big time!. We also wanted our industry to be more aware of the female crew out there. And we must say that especially with the WILM award, we did succeed on this: All around Europe, we experienced that the names of the winners reached a lot of big booking agencies, companies and festivals
We in WILM are also very proud of our effort of creating a ‘Safe learning environment’ both for the experienced members, and for the newcomers. We put a lot of effort into creating a ‘safe learning environment’ at our workshops and events, so that our members feels comfortable, and gaining as much as possible from the ongoing training – and most important: Wants to come back for more training!
Unfortunately we have experienced some no-show’s at our events over the year.
We have therefore determined that every attendee needs to be a paid member.
At the same time we do encourage you as our member to notify us, if you can’t make it to the event.
Everyone working on our events are volunteers, and do this on own expenses and in their spare time. When we have some of the major manufacturers involved, it always costs them a lot of time and expenses. So, when you sign up in the future for our events, please notify us if you can’t go!
But for those + 400 people that came around our events and workshops all across Europe: It was lovely to meet so many of you! Here are some of the highlights from the past three months. (If you would like to organize a workshop or meet up in your local area, please send us a mail at info@womeninlivemusic.eu)

LONDON: annual tech exhibition in London
In September, we were represented at PLASA, the annual tech exhibition in London. At the same time, our finnish representative Alanna Pepin- Danissen (also this year Award-winner in Video operating) arranged the first finnish meet up in Helsinki, where nearly thirty members showed up! If you are keen on being a WILM representative in your country, please send us an email with your request to info@womeninlivemusic.eu.
We did had a couple of more things going on in September, like the Intro to Backline at the Music Bank in London, who were so nice to lend us both a beautiful room and all the backline, we could wish for to have a go on.
In DENMARK we organized a ‘Girls In Science Day’ in association with The Danish Technical University. Fifteen young girls were introduced to the magnificent world of sound and engineering. One month later all the girls had the chance to watch FOH engineer Bryony October doing a sound check with Katie Melua at the Opera House in Copenhagen. Also in Denmark, WILM was invited to Danish Sound Day with some major international companies. WILM had a very positive response from this fine group of people that include Vice Chairman of AES (Audio Engineering Society)

In October we were once again guests for a couple of days at our dear friends at d&b audiotechnik, in south of Germany, where we had a deep insight of sound design, electro acoustic etc.

NOVEMBER was a big month for us, where we had our first Intro to Tour Management workshop – which is very desired. (If you have an idea for a workshop, please let us know at info@womeninlivemusic.eu). We were also represented at TPi’s Production Future in Manchester, where TPi were so kind and gave us a booth – that was Busy from start til the very end with a lot of visitors. TPi also gave us the possibility of making a presentation of WILM from the main stage in front of 120 people. We ended November with one of our Walk & Talk, which is a new concept to us: We get invited by a bigger production to have a walk around to see e.g an Arena sized production. At the same time a crew member will share his/hers experience of being on the road + a lot of facts and anecdotes. This is for both Experienced and New comers.

DECEMBER was a birthday month for WILM – The very first anniversary! We were celebrating in London with a great workshop at the amazing club – The hospital Club, very kindly provided from HD Pro Audio, where our friends from KLANG:Technologies, SHURE, DigiGrid & Waves came and gave us an intro to some of their most popular products. In the evening we had a celebration at the Signature Brew (Thanks SHURE for the donation!), where the now famous WILM award was held! Thank you to everyone who attended to celebrate with us!

– is going to be a big year for us! At the moment we are working on a cooperation with Bang&Olufsen. Info about that project will be announced very soon. We have also been working on a couple of projects with some danish festivals. One of these will be the ‘Musik I Lejet’ which will happen end of July. And we have also made an exclusive deal with the venue ‘Forbrændingen’ in Denmark. We will be looking for both experienced crew members and absolutely newcomers.
Especially the new comers will have some chances for some great learning experiences:
Would you like to become a WILM trainee? We have a couple of projects lined up throughout 2019:
- For the danish festival Musik I Lejet we are looking for 16 girls, who would like to intern in either technique or production. (July 2019)
- For the danish festival SPOT, (Århus May 1st – 4th), we are looking for both experienced crew and intern (Experienced min.2 full years of experience, intern min.1 year of experience)
- For the Danish venue ‘Forbrændingen’ near Copenhagen, we will be looking for trainees all year.
Info regarding all three projects can be found on our website and facebook page
Experienced crew member will get paid, Interns/trainees are volunteer.
Everyone must carry they own travel expenses. Accommodation and catering will be provided for the gig.
Stay tuned
…for more exciting news and events!
And Happy belated New Year
Please send us a post/picture of how you are doing out there in 2019
We are looking for volunteer fundraisers and donations.
Please get in touch for more details.
Social Media
Please like our facebook page where we put up dates for training, trade shows etc. here on a regular basis.
We thank you for all your support. Please help us by spreading the word.
And our hashtags for Instagram: #wilm #womeninlivemusic
All the best
The WILM team
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us, if you have any inquiries