Laura Rosierse

United Kingdom

Accreditation Manager Artist Liaison Booking Agent Event Manager Production Assistant Stage Manager Stagehand Tour Manager

LLIVELY Music is a female-led artist and event management, PR & marketing agency and was founded in 2017 by Dutch professional Laura Rosierse. LLIVELY Music is based in the North East of England.

We offer international press services, host on- and offline events and offer advice regarding artist development. We have worked with artists from the UK, the Netherlands, the US and Germany, have booked tours and hosted events in the UK and the Netherlands, and have reached international press results for emerging artists. Press results vary from local outlets such as CHAOS Music Magazine, NARC Magazine and The Crack, to international media such as Amazing Radio, Mesmerized, RGM, Rock Era Magazine, and student radio stations such as WFPN Radio and WPTS Radio.

We also work closely with festivals such as Solfest, Eden Festival, Lindisfarne and Popronde, and are part of the team at Sofar Sounds Newcastle. Previous work places include [PIAS] Holland, Kaleidoscope Music, Paradiso Amsterdam, Melkweg, Studio/K and Cobalt Studios CIC.
